Centroid software version 8.23 for DOS

CNC7 control software version 8.23 is available for DOS-based controls. This is likely to be the last DOS update, as Centroid's new software development is now directed to their Windows CNC11 software.

Features of version 8.23 include:

* Optional feature or addition to optional package

Coordinate System Rotation

Optional Feature, $220

Automatically probes your fixture and compensates if it is out of square.

Icon on DRO dislay indicates that compensation is being applied in the current work coordinate system.

G Code Variables and Arithmetic

Program to cut an ellipse, using the new G code arithmetic features:

  #101 = 1.0   ; length along X axis
  #102 = 2.0   ; length along Y axis
  #103 = 10.0  ; plunge feedrate
  #104 = 20.0  ; cutting feedrate
  #105 = 0.1   ; Z clearance height
  #106 = -0.2  ; Z cut depth
  #107 = 0.5   ; angle increment
  #108 = -3.0  ; the X center position
  #109 = 1.0   ; the Y center position
   G1 X[#101 * cos[#110] / 2.0 + #108] Y[#102 * sin[#110] / 2.0 + #109]
   #110 = #110 + #107

  G0 X[#101/2.0+#108] Y#109 Z#105
  G1 F#103 Z#106

  #110 = #107
  M98 P9100 L[360.0/#107]
  G0 Z#105

Notable Additions to Earlier Versions

Jogging allowable during M07.17
Homing from index marks (no switches)7.17
Multiple coordinate systems extended from 6 to 187.08
Run/Search to Tool Number7.07
Tool height offsets active between jobs7.05
Graph only a selected range7.00
Tool Check and Run/Resume6.03
Multi-block cutter comp lookahead6.00
"Smart" search6.00
Non-linear ballscrew pitch error compensation6.00

Note: for best performance, version 8.xx software requires a 120 MHz Pentium or faster processor and at least 32MB of memory. Older controls can be readily upgraded to newer, faster processors. Call or e-mail for a quote.

On-site update to version 8.23, including new operator's manual: $395 + travel
Coordinate System Rotation software: $220
Multiple Coordinate Systems software: $305
Software to allow jogging at M0 and M6: $220

Detailed information on new features


Copyright © 2011 Marc Leonard
Last updated 17-Jul-2011 MBL