CNC Services Northwest

Centroid CNC control sales, service, training and support

Frequently Asked Questions

File Management

Q: How do I read programs backed up with the Utility menu?

A: It depends on your software version, operating system, and what type of files you chose to back up.

With CNC10 for Linux, the Utility -> Backup options compressed the selected files into a single compressed archive file, with a ".zip" extension.

The ZIP file format is an industry standard. It can be unpacked on a control using the Utility -> Restore option. It can also be unpacked on another computer using PKZIP, WinZIP, gzip, or the native capability built into Windows XP and newer.

With CNC7 for MS-DOS, versions 5.26 through 8.23, the Utility -> Backup options compressed the selected files into a single compressed archive file, with a ".CFP" extension.

The CFP file format is specific to Centroid. It can be unpacked on a control using the Utility -> Restore option. It can also be unpacked at the command line (DOS prompt) using Centroid's FUNPACK utility.

You can download the FPACK and FUNPACK utilities here.

Frequently Asked Questions
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Copyright © 2013 Marc Leonard
Last updated 13-May-2013 MBL