CNC Services Northwest

Method 0: Don't use length compensation

If you rarely use more than one tool in a job (e.g. mold surfacing with a single ball mill), then you don't need to use tool length compensation at all.



Preparation (one-time)

  1. Go to the Offset Library: F1/Setup -> F2/Tool -> F1/Offsets
  2. Set all length offsets to zero.
  3. Press F10 to save.

Operation (for each job)

  1. You do not need to go to the Offset Library at all.
  2. Go to Part Setup: F1/Setup -> F1/Part
  3. Touch off and set X and Y positions normally.
  4. Touch off and set Z position. You need not enter the tool number.

If you have to replace the tool

  1. Go to Part Setup: F1/Setup -> F1/Part
  2. Touch off and set Z position. You need not enter the tool number.

Running a job with multiple tools

  1. Set Z position with first tool, as described above.
  2. At each subsequent tool change:
    1. Cancel the job (CYCLE CANCEL).
    2. Load the new tool.
    3. Go to Part Setup: F1/Setup -> F1/Part
    4. Touch off and set Z position. You need not enter the tool number.
    5. Go to Run/Resume (if available -- otherwise Run/Search).
    6. Resume the job at the tool change where you interrupted it.

Copyright © 2017 Marc Leonard
Last updated 15-May-2017 MBL